
A digitally drawn image of half a face. The eye is surrounded by blue sky, white clouds, and yellow stars. The nose is surrounded by black sky and a gust of wind moving out of a nostril.

Visual description: A digitally drawn image of half a face. The eye is surrounded by blue sky, white clouds, and yellow stars. The nose is surrounded by black sky. There is a gust of wind moving out of a nostril.

On a most ordinary morning
he shared a most extraordinary gift
when he found himself
fascinated out of the
blue sky
seems to hold all the good secrets
he lays back
arms pillowing his bed head
so laid back
his stubbly chin beaming
towards the ceiling as if
no barriers existed


the sky

and me

as we hold up middle fingers
to gravity
that made me giggle
what rebels we are
defying gravity
no wizard of oz needed
to know the weight of the world rests
heaviest in the body
his body
the tiniest of movements
might be missed in a blink
his nostrils flare
reminding me of air
how invisible forces can become
when he said

did you know your eyes are never really closed?
it’s just the lids that make them seem so

for the sun doesn’t vanish
just because the night falls upon us
the stars still shine
even if we cannot
the universe stays in motion
no matter how tricky emotions
convince us
our eyes are closed
for they are open
and if eyes are portals to the soul
then our hearts must be open
the question is
when will you be ready
to let some light in?


where is the hope?

